
Monday, January 17, 2011

The Superbowl: Turning the Best of Friends, into the Bitterest of Enemies...

     Every year, the game of football (as in "real football" and "not soccer") culminates in the "Big Game", the Superbowl. During this event, a strange phenomenon occurs. A friend cheers for their team which just completed an epic play, whereas you grumble and mumble angry thoughts under your breath. You much on your chips angrily as you await the next play, and wouldn't you know, your team intercepts the pigskin and drives it all the way to the end zone. Immediately, you jump up (tossing your chips), get in your friends face, and yell, "How do ya like them apples!"

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Life of a Goongala...

   Goongala's? Grumbles? What is this that I have stumbled upon whilst surfing the web? This, my friend, is blog about nothing... and everything. Right now it is but a newborn, but great things are to become of it when it grows. But what of this title you ask? Goongala's Grumbles. Well, I am known as Goongala, and this blog shall be where I ramble off about various video games I've played, movies I've seen, crazy dreams I've had, stories I've written, and so on and so forth. Although the title says, "Grumbles", I will more than likely not be grumbling. I have a generally happy outlook on life, and more often than not I'm an optimist. I write for the fun of it, and for the joy it may bring any readers who stumble across this, my very own blog. My imagination is vast, and so there are many stories to tell, many things to write about. But the hour is late, and I must say farewell until tomorrow. I end with a question: will this blog be awesome? Well, I shall do my best, but after all is said and done that is an answer for you to decide.