
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Violent Video Games, You Say?

      Over the past few years I've been known to say, "I love blood and violence!". On occasion that stems from a desire to quote Sarge from Red vs Blue. Most of the time, however, it's a legitimate expression of my own thoughts. "Goongala! You blood-thirsty warmonger!" CHILL OUT! I have my reasons for this; namely: realism. As I've said previously, I find blood and gore adds a certain amount of realism to a game, movie, or anime. There is a limit to that though, and anime exceeds it often. But, if you're going to have violence in your game, movie, or anime, at least have blood to go along with it. It does make a difference in realism. I'm not in it only for the bloody violence. This is all besides the point however, and I digress from the original point of this post. I warn you now, it's going to be a long one (quite possibly the longest piece I've ever written). Also, keep in mind that most of this was written a few months ago, so certain info and/or data may be a bit dated...

Let's talk about games, shall we?

Monday, August 29, 2011

'Kingdom of Heaven'... The Director's Cut.

     "Wait a minute, Goongala. If I'm reading this correctly, you're doing a movie review. You don't do movie reviews." Yes, I do! Well, okay, no I don't. But, now I am! At least one movie review anyway. I just had to do it, my conscience compelled me...

     The first time I watched Kingdom of Heaven, it instantly made my “favorites” list. The story was pretty good; the historical accuracy, although stretched at times, was excellent; the music was phenomenal; and the actors completely owned their characters. If there was one problem with Kingdom of Heaven, it would have been that character development was non-existent. You see only a glimpse into the backstory, a mere page in what should have been a whole book of information. In walks the Director's Cut, which adds over forty minutes to the movie as well as several changes to the original footage. PROBLEM SOLVED.

And here...we...go...

Friday, August 12, 2011

What is this... Anime? 二番ラウンド (Second Round)!

     Back in February, I did a blurb about anime. As I read it now, it comes across as somewhat fanboyish, and more heavily opinionated than I had originally intended. Many of my original opinions still stand, but I've had more time to mold them into a better argument. "No one's arguing with you, Goongala." SILENCE! I mean... Yeah, it is kind of one sided in here. *Sigh* Anyhoo, time to try this again...

So listen up...