
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Violence in Video Games: I Just... I'm Done...

     So apparently this happened:

Read the Kotaku article here...
     And there is but one thing I can say for it: *giant resounding sigh*

     Seriously. I'm done arguing with these people. They choose to cling unremittingly to their ignorance, looking at only the facts that support their agenda and disregarding the rest. The child "played GTA IV" and "he shot his grandma shortly thereafter". Those are the only two details they take out of the whole thing. They don't mention who left a loaded gun lying around in the open for a child to find. They don't mention that the parents let their EIGHT YEAR OLD CHILD PLAY AN 'M' RATED GAME. (Sorry for the "all-caps", that just INFURIATES ME PROFUSELY!) They don't mention what the home life of the child was, or his mental state. They don't mention that millions of people have played this game with no ill-effects or acting out. They don't mention any of these things, which are far more of a problem. In this case, I blame the parents 100%. They left the gun out, and loaded to boot. They allowed their child to play GTA IV. They didn't teach their child the value of life, opting instead to allow the television to do the teaching.

"Parents of the Year 2013"
      I'm done talking about this. I've written up an entire article on this, and I really don't see how restating it all here will make any difference when no one will listen. I don't understand how these people can be so incredibly and ridiculously idiotic. They have to have heard the arguments before, so why don't they listen? I mean, thousands of people die from alcohol-related car crashes every year, but alcohol is still as legal as ever. Even worse, it's an "acceptable" form of relaxation. Why do we focus only on video games when greater atrocities are being perpetrated without anyone batting an eyelash?

     Good going, corporate media. You've got the millions in the mindless horde filling your pockets while you feed us absolute swill. This is why I don't watch or read the news anymore...

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