
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Star Wars: Breaking Tradition...

     With (unofficial) Star Wars month just around the corner, I've begun to delve back into the series I love so much. From what I understand, production on Episode VII begins next month, and the Star Wars website has released a cast list. Sure, I'm excited about this: I'm happy to see that they've got so many of the original cast back along with such fantastic actors like Andy Serkis and Max von Sydow. In fact, neither the cast or the director that's got me grumbling... it's the release date. From what I've read, it's December 18th, 2015.

     Yes, I know what you're thinking, "Goon, are you really that much of a nitpicker?" No, there are a ton of other things I could complain about, like having J.J. "Lens Flare" Abrams as the director. But Star Wars has always come out in May. May is (unofficial) Star Wars month, and May 4th is (unofficial) Star Wars day. Personally, I call the week of May 19th-25th (the week in which all but one [Episode II] of the Star Wars movies were released) "Star Wars Week", and I watch one movie a day (yes, the cringe-worthy prequels too).

The absolute pinnacle of cinema... *Slow clap*
     Not only am I upset that it's not coming out in May, but that it's coming out so fast. They're just starting production in May 2014, which gives them a little over a year and a half to get everything filmed and edited. Sure, most of the movie is going to be green screen, but that doesn't leave a lot of time for the Industrial Light and Magic (ILM) to get everything finished. I fear that Episode VII is going to be a rushed mess. Why not just delay the release until May and give them some time to focus on quality control?

     People tend to say, "Lower your expectations and you won't get burned." But this is Star Wars. I already have high expectations, and I don't intend to lower them. If there is anything in this world that can actually live up to my expectations, it's a Star Wars movie not directed by George Lucas. But J.J. Abrams has made some awful mistakes too, so I have my doubts...

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