
Suggestions? Ideas? Comments?

If you have a suggestion for a topic you would like to see me write about, leave me a comment in the section below and I'll get right on it! (Within reason of course...) Thanks for reading!


  1. Goongala's Grumbles, I nominated you for an award!

  2. hello friend^^, i like your blog its awesome nice vibes honest opinions, I came here cause of episode 17-18 of attack on titan wanted to know more about Reiner and Annie. looked around really liked what i seen. I see you got a dark souls background but not to many blogs about dark souls. I am a really big fan and would love to read about your theory's . keep up the great work. PS: you should cover Bloodborn as well as the themes in it are amazing. and it is worth giving your time and patience to like darksouls.

    1. Thanks for reading. Unfortunately, I've pretty much given up on this blog (not enough time in the day to do everything). I've been thinking about getting back into it, though I'll probably be focusing on D&D and other roleplaying games instead of Attack on Titan and Dark Souls.

      To answer your Dark Souls question: I have played every "Soulsborne" game at least once (some of them 7 or 8 times over), so my experience with Dark Souls is vast. Despite this, I will likely only write one or two things about Dark Souls in the future. There's so much out there on Youtube about the Soulsborne series and its lore that I feel like I'd just be reiterating what's already been said. Most of my own theories are based off those videos anyhow, so they wouldn't really be worth reading.

      I've been toying with the idea of reviving this blog as a tabletop roleplaying game blog (since that's what I'm into nowadays). Stuff like character builds, possible homebrew rules, fan-fiction, session write ups, etc. However, that's just an idea at the moment. We'll see what comes of it.

      Thanks again for reading!
