
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

'Attack on Titan' Ep. 17-18 Speculation: Who's Blondie?

     The greatest part of speculative discussion is that someone might point out something that I missed, allowing me to either improve or altogether abandon my own theories. However, these Attack on Titan posts have been edited and updated numerous times. They were in desperate need of abridgment, so I've summarized the theories here (WARNING: SPOILERS!):

     That said, feel free to read the following post. However, most of these theories have been disputed, so be sure to read the summary post!

     So, episode 17 of Attack on Titan aired last Saturday, and I've just found the time to watch it. After several episodes of character and backstory building, I was beginning to wonder when the action was going to return. And return it did... in force. (Warning: Spoilers up to episode 18) (UPDATED!)

     Again, I haven't read the manga and I don't scour the internet for spoilers. In fact, I don't even watch the "next episode preview" at the end of each episode. I want each episode to be fresh and exciting. So, if you, dear reader, have read ahead in the manga and decide to spoil my fun and everyone else's in the comments, know that I will personally hunt you down and gut you like a fish. PLEASE NO SPOILERS IN THE COMMENTS.

Otherwise, I'll send a pack of ravenous titans to consume you and all that you love...
     So, we finally get to see what's outside the walls. And you know what? It looks the same as the inside, only a lot more abandoned and filled with titans. But not just any titans... abnormal ones. First off, I'd like to say the one that chased down Sasha was creepy as all get out and had me on the edge of my seat. I was so worried that one of my favorite characters was about to become titan chow...

My heart was racing...
     But now on to a more interesting matter: Who's Blondie? I've been waiting for her to show up ever since she was hinted at in the new opening animation.

At first I thought this might be Mikasa, but the blue eyes gave it away...
     Blondie's really the first "female-esque" titan we've seen. She's also very obviously of the same type as the Behemoth and Armored titans. But who is she? Before we get to that theory, however, we have to address Reiner Braun's little magic trick.

THEORY 1: Reiner Braun is the Armored Titan

     So Armin gets his horse slapped out from beneath him and rolls to the ground in a very painful looking way. Jean also gets grounded after failing to execute their plan to slow Blondie down, and is only saved by Armin's quick thinking (we'll talk about that in a minute). Now Reiner Braun rushes in and tries to take on Blondie while she's distracted by Armin, and gets himself nabbed. To everyone's horror (including my own) she clamps down and crushes him.

     The guy's seemingly crushed into paste in Blondie's iron grip, yet explodes out of her hand completely unfazed by the whole thing. He then swings down, grabs Armin off the ground, and hightails it out of there, all the while talking smack to a titan he really shouldn't be taunting. This has raised a question: is Reiner a titan like Eren? In my opinion, I can't really say for sure. EDIT: Alright, I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong (or possibly wrong, given that this is purely speculation). After watching the episode a few more times, I can't see any other way Reiner could have escaped. I don't understand how he regenerated so quickly, or how he burst out of Blondie's grip, but there's no way he could have survived that if he was merely human. There's a few seconds of animation where Reiner is running away, with Armin in hand, where he seems to have smoke coming off his face, like he recently regenerated.

"Is it hot in here... or is it just me?"
     Then there's the uncanny resemblance Reiner shares with the Armored titan, which I had noticed and someone brought it up in my earlier speculation post. They both have yellow eyes and white-blonde hair...

... but none of the other titan's eyes glow, so they may just be glowing for intimidation and, therefore, irrelevant.

THEORY 2: Annie is Blondie
     My original theory, although it made at least a little sense when I thought it up, doesn't hold a candle to a theory that someone brought up in the comments below. Upon further thought and research, there's no way to un-see what has been seen. Theory Two: Blondie is Annie, their comrade that joined the Military Police instead of the Legion, which means her whereabouts are unknown. One of the biggest pieces of evidence to this theory is their facial similarities: the blonde hair and blue eyes, but by one in particular... the nose.

Dat nose...
     In anime, it is very important for artists to drastically change each characters appearance so that we know who we're looking at with a simple glance, otherwise, you have a lot of different characters who all look the same. Hair color, eye color, and distinct facial features allow us to tell characters apart easily. Annie is the only person I can think of in the show that has this distinct "Roman nose", and, sure enough, Blondie has it too. Now this may just be another character that happens to have that same style of nose, but I doubt that's the case. There's also the fact that Blondie's eyes are "ice-blue", not just "blue". Annie has these same ice-blue eyes.

Is this one of those, "Dem eyes!" moments?
     But a more concrete theory for the argument is that she didn't kill Armin. She took off his hood, looked at his face, then ran off to continue her search.

She obviously knows Armin, otherwise she would have killed him like she did those other two soldiers earlier...
     This is important, but there is something even more important that I completely missed in my previous viewings. When Armin is unhorsed and Jean goes on the attack, it looks as if Blondie is going to kill Jean. However, she hesitates when Armin starts yelling. But she doesn't stop because she hears Armin's voice, or because of what he's saying: she stops because she hears Jean's name.

     When she finds out that Jean is the one attacking her, she immediately holds back so as not to hurt another of her friends. However, she then turns around and crushes Reiner into paste. I don't completely understand that, unless of course she didn't actually crush Reiner or they're in cahoots.

     So there's a question: If we accept the theory that both Reiner and Annie are titans, does each one know that the other is a titan? Annie obviously has to have noticed that Reiner is a titan after crushing him, but does Reiner know that the titan that crushed him is Annie?

"What? You can't handle the Braun?"
     The commentor below brought up the point that Reiner thought Eren was on the right flank, which is the flank Blondie utterly decimated. Could this mean, if Reiner is the Armored titan and Annie is Blondie, that they're working together? Did Reiner tell Annie where Eren would be? But Reiner's false information brings up another question: why were they all given false information as to where Eren was?

THEORY 3: Commander Erwin's Plan
     Commander Erwin is a genius. The ending of episode fifteen left all kinds of questions looming in the back of my mind, many of which have still not been answered. Who killed the two captured titans? And what did Erwin mean by, "What do you think the enemy is?"

Not to mention Commander Erwin's creepiness factor, which just shot through the roof...
     I think Erwin knows there are more out there who have the titan power, he knew that they resided within the walls, and he knew that they would find out about the Legion's excursion. I think Erwin selectively gave out false information so that he could figure out who the titans were. For example: you tell three different people three different variations of secrets, then wait for one of those secrets to be exposed. Then you know who your blabbermouth is. This is the same concept, and now Erwin has narrowed down the list of people who could be titans. At least, that's my theory.

     As of episode 18, there is no doubt in my mind that Blondie was looking for Eren. I mean, with that crazy look in her eyes, how could she not be.

"Dat eye!"
     But if Blondie is Annie, why is she looking for Eren? There's a possibility that the reason for that and the reason for killing those two captured titans are one and the same: the titans are trying to keep their secrets hidden. Without titans to examine, they can't learn anything about them. And if there is something important to the titans in the basement, they would probably go after anyone who tries to find that too. The Legion's whole purpose on this expedition is to get to Eren's house and find out what's in the basement, so Blondie is tearing them a new one in hopes that they will give up.

Like slaughtering cattle...
     Putting all this aside, I'm pretty sure Armin has figured it out, and might even have a theory of his own as to who it is. He was the one that pieced together the, "There are people 'piloting' these things!" theory, and he seemed rather distracted throughout episode 18. There's a good chance that he's putting all this together on his own, albeit very slowly.

     As for the Behemoth titan, I'm not entirely sure. Behemoth has no hair and you can't really tell what his eye color is. Even when Eren turns titan, he keeps both of those features. So... who is he? Perhaps he's Armin's father, who left the safety of the walls long ago and never returned, or maybe they're completely new characters we haven't been introduced to yet. It's also strange that he appears out of thin air and then disappears into nothing.

"Hello... is it me you're looking for?"
      TOTAL BOGUS THEORY: What if the Behemoth is PIXIS!?! I actually thought that for a good three seconds before remembering that Pixis was playing chess with "the duke" when the Behemoth showed up the second time. Man that would have been good though...

     One thing's for certain: I'm pretty sure we're gonna' see an awesome battle between Blondie and Eren in the next episode... and I hope we figure out why Blondie is looking for Eren.

     Oh, and I almost forgot:

Here's episode seventeen's, "Dem eyes!" moment...

Want the answer?

     If you want to read more speculation about the show, here's where it's at:

     OKAY, I'm going to re-post this here because someone on the internet is apparently illiterate... (shocking, I know)

     "Again, I haven't read the manga and I don't scour the internet for spoilers. In fact, I don't even watch the "next episode preview" at the end of each episode. I want each episode to be fresh and exciting. PLEASE NO SPOILERS IN THE COMMENTS. I FRICKIN' MEAN IT."

     I will disable comments if this continues to be a problem, but I love being able to talk and speculate with my fellow speculators and civilized, mature people who have read ahead but enjoy the speculation. I don't have many local friends who watch anime, so this has become like my own personal "anime club". Please stop with the spoilers.
Mikasa is disappointed in you... whoever you are... scumbag...


  1. I actually think that the female titan is Annie. They LOOK THE SAME. i mean look at her...In the 1st, 4th, 5th, 9th, and 10th pictures you have up she looks just like Annime.
    And to disprove it being his mother...right after she left armin (after she took his hood off and ran away) Reiner showed up and said "you wont last long outside the walls without a horse." She would have known that, so she would have at least put him in a tree or something if she wanted him to stay safe right?
    And I think she is looking for eren because, check this out. Assuming that Reiner is the armored titan, he said that "Eren is with levi which is in charge of the right flank." With that in mind the female attacked and destroyed the entire right flank from right rear to right front...right? Then after the encounter with reiner in which she crushed him, she changed directions from front right to central if you were just guessing or trying to kill everyone wouldn't you move from right front to central front then down to central rear rather than right front to central rear? I mean it would take less time if you attacked the central section because all the people behind the central section would be headed towards you, rather than away from you, right?
    Now this is what armin said that saved jean's life "Jean! Avenge the bastard who rushed to his death!"
    After hearing that she stopped....since armin was clearly talking to Jean she wouldn't stop even if it was her son just from hearing that.
    the next thing armin says is "Thats the one! Thats the one that killed him! He rushed to his death on the right flank! Avenge him! It crushed my best friend! I saw his body under its foot!" Then Reiner shows up trying to be a boss and gets caught....Now notice how his head hands and feet stick out of the females when she squeezes there is no way in hell his head feet and arms could vanish like that, then reaper. Right? Not to mention that her fingers are rock hard...she had to have LET him go. there is no way in hell he broke out of that. Now one more thing. When he was crushed in her hand....who's blood went flying? Wasn't hers...

    1. Annie is Blondie? I can't believe I didn't see that... *type type type* There, fixed and expanded. Man I love speculation...

  2. I think she is looking for eren because "we believe that in the basement of erens home is information on the titans that even he doesn't have." Which for one. If someone wanted to stay an exclusive titan power holder wouldn't want the secret to it to be reveled right? So maybe she is looking for him to 1. stop them from getting that info, 2. Possibly get more info, 3. "Bring him to the dark side of the force...."
    I mean if you were a human who could turn titan, you would wanna make all the other people who could do that your friends that way no one could oppose you right?
    And here is a theory on the giant titan. You remember when eren stopped the HE round? that titan didn't have skin or hair either...and it wasn't even really a titan. It was ribs, an arm, and a head, with only one working eye. Ok well maybe thats the same kinda thing with the giant titan. It only showed up twice, and there was a LOT of time that passed between both appearances. So it either uses a LOT of energy to make a titan that big, or it is limited to the number of times it can be use it more than 10 times and your heart explodes....idk. But I also think that the significant lack of traits...other than HUGE. that the giant titan exhibits is due to its specific size and purpose. In other words. Its a specially made custom titan form that can only be used rarely, hence its insignificant appearance.
    However due to the lack of traits it makes it harder to tell who it is, and because of this I think the giant titan is also one of erens class mates from the military. Though I do not know who it may be. Just speculation....I mean from the speculation already out there it would seem that many of those military graduates could be titans....which is kinda weird.

    And here is a theory about the reasons behind the human / titan classmates motivation. Do you remember the story that .....whats her face told 3 times? She named the 2 titans after the leader of that clan of cannibals who "lived in the mountains"
    Well assuming that Reiner is a titan. Remember when they were in training and he said something along the lines of "my only motivation is to get my home village back." Those weren't his exact words, but close enough.
    So if Reiner is a titan then it might be safe to say that he is a living descendant of those cannibals....I mean if he is a titan then he could just kill all the titans who were taking over his town if he wanted to protect it that bad right? which means that its not titans that took over his town....However this theory does hinge on the fact that he is a titan. If he isn't then there is a drastically different story here.
    ALSO. When the second wall was breached and they were killing titans at trost. Reiner, annie, and some tall dude with black hair were all standing together and Reiner looked at annie and said "is it time yet?" She said "not yet." Then their conversation was broken up by the commotion. Then later eren showed up as a titan...notice every time something like this was shown it made a point to show Reiner making some kind of expression.....

  3. Here is an actual comment rather than speculation.

    I love how we think that this guy is guilty and that chick did this...yet every time it shows them they are sweating balls cause of titans...yet we don't suspect characters like mikasa or levi who don't show any emotion while shits going down.
    I wonder why that is?
    Guess its one of those "just cause" moments

  4. Here is a conformation.
    Episode 18 when the female catches up to eren....soon as she sees him her eyes light up and she smiles like no tomorrow....YEP she was definitely looking for him.
    Here is another just random top of my head, and going off just that look of excitement she had when she saw him....
    Maybe she was looking for him so bad because she wanted to

  5. Additionally, Commander Erwin hazes all the new recruits with his speech about their plan, which people believes is a stupid plan to get people to join. My theory is Erwin is trying to lower the potential number of candidates who would join the corps, as some of them would be the secret Titans and try to disrupt any mission. Also, like mentioned above, false information was scattered among the people in order to find out where the bad guys were

  6. the comments kinda dropped off after you stopped responding and a new episode isn't going to be released for a few more days.

    1. Well, I've kind of been responding by updating the speculation ever so slightly. And yeah, a new episode won't be out for a few days so there's not much to say. I've already pretty much laid out what I think, so now we just have to wait and see how much of it is right.

      But... whatever! This is the most comments I've ever gotten on the blog, so I'm happy. I'm sure some other mystery will present itself soon enough...

  7. Just some things I'd like to point out, building on the previous assumptions:
    1) When the Female titan grabs Reiner, they make eye contact for a few seconds as if she is contemplating killing him (this would fall in line with the fact that she didn't kill Armin upon making eye contact). Maybe it's a bit of insignificance, or the fact that he was in pain, but Reiner clearly blinks at the female titan when he's in her grip, making me wonder if Reiner is in cahoots with the female titan, who we believe to be Annie.
    2) in episode 15, when Erwin is sitting in the room at the top of the castle, finishing up the drawings for the formation, he expresses his concern for Eren, yet Mike is quick to smell the bullshit, saying, "Can't you at least take that mask off for me, Erwin?" I don't know why, but Erwin definitely has it in for Eren, and Mike is at least aware of it.
    3) If he were in charge of the formation diagrams, does that mean that he is in cahootz with Reiner and Annie? Annie attacked the right flank, the spot Reiner thought was Eren's correct position. Did Erwin intend for Eren to be at the right flank and have Reiner relay the plan to Annie? And I don't think Annie joined the Survey Corps, so if she was in cahoots with Reiner and Erwin, she could definitely have gone into titan mode without being seen by anybody dangerous enough to kill her.
    4) Lastly, lets not forget Reiner's best man, Bernholdt. In Episode 5, when Armin, Eren, Bernholdt, and Reiner were talking in their quarters, Reiner is quick to question why Bernholdt so willingly talks about his experience with the titans. Soon after the question, Bernholt says, "the rest is just a blur." Was Reiner trying to stop Bernholdt from saying too much? Bernholdt and Reiner stick together throughout their training, and both join the Survey Corps, so it is obvious that their friendship is pretty close. If Reiner as close a friend to Bernholdt as the show has shown, and Reiner is in cahoots with Annie, then so must Bernholdt.
    5) Isn't it a little sad that Bernholdt, Reiner, and Annie are in the supposed conspiracy, yet only Bernholdt has no titan powers? That's just kinda awkward LOL. And of the more distinguished titans we've seen, there's only one titan that we don't have a probable ID on: the Colossal Titan. There's probably the least convincing evidence, but I think Bernholdt is the Colossal Titan.
    6) At the end of episode 18, Captain Levi fires a shot into the air. Levi believes in Eren's titan powers, so could the flare be a shot signalling the last resort, using Eren's titan ability to fight the Female titan?

    There's a lot going on, and I gotta say I love it LOL.

    1. On your speculation:
      1) I'm not sure if the "wink" was actually him signaling to Blondie or not. I think it's probably that he was just in pain from Blondie's grip. If they were in cahoots, they wouldn't need to signal to each other. That's my two cents on that...
      2)It's interesting how different fansubs translate things differently. Mike's quote from my version says, "You're even using that story on me, Erwin?" I think that Erwin definitely has something up his sleeve regarding Eren, but I don't think he has it out for him. Rather, I think he is using Eren as bait to draw out the special titans, and it seems to be working.
      3) Erwin's not in cahoots with the titans who we believe to be Annie and Reiner. As I said above, I think Erwin told everybody in the group something different in regards to where Eren was in the formation. He told Reiner that he would be on the right-rear flank, whereas he told Armin he'd be on the right-front and Jean that he'd be somewhere else entirely. He did this to sniff out at least some of the titan's informants. And you're right, Annie didn't join the Legion, so she could have gone titan mode way off somewhere and then ran back to engage the formation.
      4) I had completely forgotten about Bernholdt. I'll have to go back and look at who he is and where he is in all this mess.
      5) Are we so sure that Bernholdt doesn't have powers? I mean, up until Blondie showed up we only knew of two special titans: the Behemoth and Armored. Who's to say he couldn't be another one just waiting for the right moment to go titan mode?
      6) I'm pretty sure Levi's flare was meant to signal the start of Erwin's plan, which we'll see in the next episode. It's gonna' be so good...

  8. something i haven't seen mentioned elsewhere: others have mentioned the possibility of there being technology secreted away, maybe in the basement, maybe controlling the titans, etc.

    on one of the eyecatches it mentions that while 3d gear incorporates a number of technologies that are easily understood (the wires, the gas canisters, etc.) THERE IS ALSO the control mechanism within which the eyecatch mentions is a black box, worked on in secret by engineers.

    i think this innocuous comment gives the series an added twist, since it makes you wonder what OTHER technology the nebulous 'engineers' happen to have...

    1. Oh snap... I gotta pay more attention to those eyecatches... The 3DM gear has always baffled me. How do they have such amazing technology, yet still use cannons and percussion-cap fired rifles? The technology gap is significant... and suspicious.

  9. Hey guys I have a question.
    You know how some times you run into an amazing anime thats played on this amazing site and there is a REALLY annoying ad in the corner that is looped and keeps playing no matter what you do?
    So on the above listed web site I watch Attack on titan, and I would like to keep using this site, but there is one of those ads just below the video and it wont stop making noise no matter what I do.
    Is there anyway to stop the sound on the ad without downloading anything onto my computer, or using a different site to watch the video?
    I mean I don't mind switching to a new site to watch this show, its just that I keep running into these STUPID ANNOYING ADS and I can't seem to get away from them.

    1. Paid:
      - Crunchyroll costs anywhere from $7 -$12/month, but you could try that.
      - Wait for one of the English companies to pick it up and release a DVD or BD. (ridiculous, I know)

      - An Adblock program (but that would be downloading something).
      - Find another site that doesn't have ads (which you didn't want to do).
      - Find yourself a good fansub group.

      I went to the site you mentioned, but I didn't have any problems with noisy ads. You might try refreshing the page to get another, less annoying ad. Also, what browser are you using? I use Google Chrome, and I don't have any Adblock programs downloaded. There are some options for you.

    2. Okay, I take it back, I encountered one. It only played for a few seconds though, then it changed to a video that I could pause and mute. Try the refreshing option until you find one like that. That should solve your problem.

  10. Important thing here. The Female Titan didn't actually crush Reiner. The blood was actually her's. He cut her hand. That's how he escaped.

    Important note: The Female Titan stared at her hand after Reiner cut her and broke free.

    1. That's what I've been saying! The blood on his face that evaporated was hers. But that doesn't really matter. If she crushed Reiner, he's a titan. If she didn't, they're working together (or she knew it was Reiner and she didn't want to kill him). Either way, he's super suspicious...

    2. yeah but then what about the scene where his head arm and legs vanish?
      When she grabbed him one of his arms his head and both feet were sticking out of her fist. Assuming she was holding him as tightly as it looked he wouldn't be able to pull himself inside her hand, And with only one blade he couldn't have cut her hand like that. Not to mention when it showed him being "crushed" her hand tightened even more, then he exploded out of it.

      But like the OP said above it doesn't matter either way because he is def a suspicious person.

    3. Same anon as first to this chain here and I don't want to spoil cuz I'm up to date with the manga but I love you guys' speculation.

      But to refute with the above anon, he would have to pull himself inwards and be ready to jump after cutting her. I play D&D and I've learned that in order to reduce the amount of damage you take from a fall, you need to jump correctly and if he hadn't put himself in position to jump correctly he would've just fallen from her hand.

    4. I love how you prefaced that tidbit of knowledge with "I play D&D" (not sarcastically, mind you). Who knew that D&D could teach you so much about science? The more you know...

    5. Yeah me and a couple of my friends are DMs for D&D and we talk about what makes sense realistically to justify why certain rules are in place in the game.

  11. Is there another update page on the new episodes that came out recently?

    1. Yes and no. I've done a few update posts up to episode 21, but I haven't watched episode 22 yet. That's on the schedule for later today. There's a link beneath the "Dem Eyes" picture above that should take you to some other speculation posts.
